5818. Zsolnay eosinglazed decorative pot, cca. 1905.

Details and history:

Zsolnay eosinglazed porcelaine, decorative pot, cca. 1905
Age: cca. 1905.
Material: porcelain, eosinglaze
Sizes: W: 45 cm, H: 21 cm
4,050.00 EUR

More details:

One of the most famous Hungarian porcelain manufactury - the Zsolnay made this decorative pot with a hunting scene around 1905.

The special porcelaine material is buried with an eozined glaz. It is a special glaz, that contains metaloxids. Zsolnay Vilmos invent this and eozin is a symbol of the Zsolnay manufactury nowadays.


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